This creative training product, used by a large number of college and professional athletes, leads to superior game-time vision. For the dedicated athlete it pwrovides the most effective training program available for improving depth perception and tracking skills —possibly the single most important part of hitting or catching a ball. The training results in exceptional ability to use the two eyes simultaneously. For many, following its use prior to a game, find they actually see things more clearly and quickly in the game.
"What I love about the STGD Athlete APP the most, is it quiets my mind. I find that when I am focusing on creating the images to merge, that my mind goes blank, and my concentration increases. I have a lot of fun doing it, and I find it to be a challenge, which I absolutely love! I am looking forward to implementing this not only in golf, but my daily routine."
Hudson Stremmel
Depth Perception Tracking Trainer

3D Stickers - Small

On Sale
On Sale
STGD 3D & Focus App

3D Card Kit

3D Stickers - Medium

3D Softball IPhone Case

3D Softball Samsung Case

3D Baseball iPhone Case

3D Baseball Samsung Case