A young baseball player with a vision problem rarely progresses very far in the game. They either don’t play very well or find the game too frustrating to play. The game commonly follows “survival of the fittest.” If you can’t throw you don’t become a pitcher, if you can’t run you don’t become a shortstop or a centerfielder, and if you can’t see properly you can’t hit.
Survival of the fittest has a big effect on a baseball player’s career. It’s not just physical fitness that is important. Mental fitness and visual fitness may be even more important. A baseball player deserves high quality equipment Players at any age will perform better and feel more confident use high quality equipment. Due to the technological revolution equipment just gets better and better. The player’s body is also part of his equipment, and for certain, his eyes, are important part of his equipment. Vision that is adequate for normal living frequently is not adequate for top baseball competition.